Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Pet's Only

Friday, December 11, 2009
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Eddie Went!
This morning there was a lot of hemming and hawing -- would "the eddie" go or not? It wasn't until I was at work after 7 this morning that they decided it was on! People had been lining up since before the sun was up; thousands of people turned out to see 28 of the world's greatest big wave surfers take to Waimea Bay. We were even watching it live on our computers at work on and off -- its just amazing to see surfers take on 30+ ft. waves. There were quite a few wipeouts and broken boards. But, there were lots of 'wow' moments too. Turns out the Greg Long won in the last round. Not that I know who that is...but he's from California!
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Eddie Would Go
The waves are getting pretty high up on the North Shore...the question is...are they going to run the Eddie or not tomorrow? Looks likely, but we'll see. Last time it was run was 2004.
Eddie Aiku is quite the legend around these parts; the first lifeguard at Waimea Bay among other accomplishments.
Good luck surfers! I think I'll stay on the sidelines....
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Thanksgiving In Iraq!!!!!
This picture is not from Thanksgiving, but I just wanted to prove to everyone that it does rain here, and when it does it makes a mess. Not to mention the fog that rolls in a few days after.
So this is how we celebrated Thanksgiving Iraq style. We get the food from the cooks in green containers. Then we put it out and we just dig in. If you notice the frozen pumpkin pie, I think it is still frozen to this day.
The little things in life. Getting to sit down and eat dinner off a plate and not out of a to-go box. Yes we even had fresh bread.
More food, think we had turkey, shrimp, crab legs, and everything else that you would have for thanksgiving dinner. I never thought about crab legs on Thanksgiving.
We even got a nice sunset. Well it only lasted a few seconds and no you do not get the green flash over here.
Just one of the passengers that night. A bomb sniffing dog, pretty cool I think.
Well over all Thanksgiving was ok. The food was good, but that is not as good as home cooked food, but I guess I can not complain.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Happy Veteran's Day!
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Wacky Work Wednesday
This afternoon after this kids had all left for the day we were working away on the back nine (or, far far away from the actual school) and being rather productive..Melisa was organizing and tossing old materials and I was on the phone talking about our newest prek entering the wonderful world of special ed. when all of a sudden the person I'm talking to says...
Wait - why is everyone walking out to the field? All the K, 1 and 2 teachers are walking out with their stuff....
He checks with someone walking by....
I hear:
Get your stuff and get out to the field, there's an evacuation.
Me: are you joking?!?! what -- why?
Him: They found an unexploded ordinance out in the parking lot. (They started to dig today to put in a new sidewalk)
Only on a military post...though I suppose we shouldn't be to surprised considering pearl harbor and all, but still -- we park in that parking lot everyday. Makes you wonder where else they might be.
But the best part?
We never would've known if I hadn't been on the phone. We'd been having wasps in and out of our room all day so we'd closed the doors/windows and turned on the a/c (more like a high powered fan -- we're in a portable). No announcements were made. We would've had no clue.
THAT is how our school operates.
No more friday work days until Nov. 13th. Yep, we're all furloughed. Well, except the custodians -- their union hasn't reached an agreement yet. Marches and speeches galore are planned for this friday -- the first furlough friday, with a performance by Jack Johnson. Note to self: stay away from town (a.k.a. honolulu).
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Road to Iraq

Yes, the Cardinals are even in Iraq

Sunrise in Kuwait

Just hanging out in Kuwait after landing from the long flight
Well as you can see the travels back to Iraq went without any problems. Not to say everyone really wanted to come back to this wonderful place but there was not much we could do about that. We ended up spending about 3 weeks in Kuwait and then came up here to our former home of Camp Speicher. Not much has changed from last time we were here, the major difference is we have "prime" power. You might ask what does that mean, well we no longer require generators to power anything here. Now that is not to say that we still don't use generators, we do only when "prime" power goes out, but that is not to often.
Everthing here as I said is going ok. We are flying a lot and have very little down time which makes the time go by fast. You can tell a big difference from last time when you fly, a lot of the small bases are closed and people are moving out, back to the states, again which is good. I will try to post more pictures but since we fly at night everything is dark and well pictures of darkness are boring and not much to see but some city lights.
Saturday, October 17, 2009
The Good, Bad, Ridiculous and the Best
"Kids have strengths. Everyone has gifts and graces. We as a society need to do everything we can to lift them up."
- Kevin Drollinger, Executive Director, Epworth
The Good
-my head-butter sitting for 20 minutes today; he came in with a big smile on his face ready to work (or as some people would think, play). He actually shook his head no instead of acting out when offered a toy he didn't want. not.one.temper.tantrum.
-a good (short) week with all of my more "challenging" kiddos. They'd just come back from fall break and I think we all needed a break. The one that cries the entire time? Reached for bubbles and actually chose the right picture when asked, just once, but still! The one who is a screamer/hitter in group situations? requests favorite items using pictures in one-on-one sessions. The one I was at my wits end with? Actually seemed to engage and not just cry/be miserable. (are you seeing a trend with some of my pre-k? They aren't ALL like that -- we do have some non-tearful sessions)
The Bad
-That /r/ sound. Its my nemesis.
-5 IEPs in 3 days.
-Going over that 50 mark
-Probable furloughs=pay cut
-Paranoia over due process (oh that clarification of services blurb...)
The Ridiculous
-My fellow SLP has a K student that's in a wheelchair and not independent; he needs a 1:1 to get through the day. What did the administration do this week? Oh, they just took the 1:1 away. Came down to wording in the IEP (or budget cuts, honestly). Every team member said no, he needs it, but that didn't matter. Sure, the school said the aids would help him throughout the day...and there are 8 other K kids in this fully self-contained class. huh. like that's really realistic.
And that's how we roll at our school...sigh...
The Balance Sheet
-The good outweighs the bad no doubt, but I'm thinking its a wash between the good and the ridiculous. But honestly? That's just a typical week at our school.
The Best
-There's two of us...we are not alone on this planet called public school.
-(most) of my kids coming in happy...good-a-mornin-miss-a-becky is how one of my prek says it and its the cutest. He makes all of us smile. I wish you could hear it.
-knowing that you earn every penny. I do not have the answers for every child; I am not a miracle worker. But small success are amazing.
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Hawaiian weather
Updated: Canceled!
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Leaving on a Jet Plane....well...not quite
A few weeks ago Scott left on a business trip for work. I'm not going to give exact specifics -- you know the whole internet security thing. Meli and I have been getting into a new routine since he left. We won't see him again for quite some time yet -- probably some time this summer after the school year ends. However, he's doing well but as you can expect is busy.
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