Saturday, October 17, 2009

The Good, Bad, Ridiculous and the Best

"Kids have strengths. Everyone has gifts and graces. We as a society need to do everything we can to lift them up."
- Kevin Drollinger, Executive Director, Epworth

The Good
-my head-butter sitting for 20 minutes today; he came in with a big smile on his face ready to work (or as some people would think, play). He actually shook his head no instead of acting out when offered a toy he didn't want.

-a good (short) week with all of my more "challenging" kiddos. They'd just come back from fall break and I think we all needed a break. The one that cries the entire time? Reached for bubbles and actually chose the right picture when asked, just once, but still! The one who is a screamer/hitter in group situations? requests favorite items using pictures in one-on-one sessions. The one I was at my wits end with? Actually seemed to engage and not just cry/be miserable. (are you seeing a trend with some of my pre-k? They aren't ALL like that -- we do have some non-tearful sessions)

The Bad
-That /r/ sound. Its my nemesis.
-5 IEPs in 3 days.
-Going over that 50 mark
-Probable furloughs=pay cut
-Paranoia over due process (oh that clarification of services blurb...)

The Ridiculous
-My fellow SLP has a K student that's in a wheelchair and not independent; he needs a 1:1 to get through the day. What did the administration do this week? Oh, they just took the 1:1 away. Came down to wording in the IEP (or budget cuts, honestly). Every team member said no, he needs it, but that didn't matter. Sure, the school said the aids would help him throughout the day...and there are 8 other K kids in this fully self-contained class. huh. like that's really realistic.
And that's how we roll at our school...sigh...

The Balance Sheet
-The good outweighs the bad no doubt, but I'm thinking its a wash between the good and the ridiculous. But honestly? That's just a typical week at our school.

The Best
-There's two of us...we are not alone on this planet called public school.
-(most) of my kids coming in happy...good-a-mornin-miss-a-becky is how one of my prek says it and its the cutest. He makes all of us smile. I wish you could hear it.
-knowing that you earn every penny. I do not have the answers for every child; I am not a miracle worker. But small success are amazing.

1 comment:

Gina said...

Sadly, I can relate to a lot of this. Hang in there...remember you are making a difference in kids' lives! Not many people can say that!