Saturday, September 19, 2009

At least its Friday....

That's about the only good thing I can say about today.

It all started with one of my pre-k this morning. He was actually doing great -- trying to verbally imitate some words (open, pig, cow, duck, car, etc.) and attempting to sign open with a model...all things he's never done before. Until the last 5-10 min. He quickly climbed under the table and refused to come out. We eventually got him out and he really threw a fit when asked to sit. And the tantrum began. He cried and screamed, he hit, he kicked, he laid on the floor and cried...everybody was fine and safe until an inopportune moment when I was to close and let go of his hands...he promptly pulled off my glasses and then head butted me in the nose. That was a first. Luckily, I was fine. He, however continued to scream and carry on until he finally calmed and sat. 15 minutes past when his session was over. This child has no real words of his own and yet he knew he was choosing to not comply.

Let's say we have a couple different strategies to try next week. I really wish I had a rule book. How much is to much? When do you hold a child and when do you back off? When do they need physical prompting and when do they see that as a tool to escalate? Behavior, behavior, behavior....sigh You think you have a plan and then it turns out you didn't. But, I have one week till I see him again. So, we shall see.

That was enough, right? I'd say so!

But, it didn't stop there.

My next little one cried. That, I'm used to. She does it all the time. But, I'm starting to think our motto should be...send them to speech; where we make them cry and act out.

Next up is the K group after morning recess. Easy kids for the most part. Most K kids walk on their own in groups to us...however, that plan didn't work out today. The other SLP was absent so our communication aid was seeing those kids. She called for her K kiddo and the teacher started to send him and she left to go meet him. She must've JUST missed him somehow. Can you see where this is going?

Yes. We lost him.

We walked around for a minute and then had an ABP put out on the radio for him. Everyone from the custodians to counselors were looking for him.

Oh, they found an ELL classroom with some other kids from his class. He was fine, but clearly needs to be walked from door to door from now on. My kids didn't get seen, but hey we practiced conversation skills!

The rest of the day went better. Thank goodness. Luckily there wasn't any fallout for us losing him; we are not....highly regarded individuals within our school community; by admin or some of the staff.

At LEAST it is friday. If it was Monday...I don't know what I would've done.

1 comment:

Gina said...

I am so glad I found your blog and know there is someone else out there who goes through the same things I do. I find our role interesting...I finally feel like I get more respect but I am also often a dumping ground, so I obviously am not to the point where I'd like to be. And the behaviors. I wish we would have gotten more classes on that in school!