Friday, April 10, 2009

Meli's P.S.A.

Three things of note.

1. I am not a whippet.

2. I am not a going to be a greyhound. Way to big in my opinion and I find that size has nothing to do with who is "in charge".

3. I AM an italian greyhound. I'm smart, but stubborn. I love to chase birds/leaves that move outside and play tag inside. I burrow under the covers when I'm allowed in bed -- not enough in my opinion. I love to be around "my people" and am most aggrieved when they leave. I will chew cardboard and tear up newspapers to get your attention when I'm bored. Tug of war and de-stuffing toys are two of my hobbies. I LOVE to eat -- carrots, snap peas, chicken, bananas, peas...and oh yea my food isn't bad either. Big dogs are scary, but I'll play with ones closer to my size. I find the most comfortable places I can to relax. In short -- I'm glad that people recognize I'm in the sighthound family, but I do not fit into the above two categories.

I also am a fan of sunbathing

Checking things out...

This is how my ears look day to day...

This is how an IG's ears are supposed to be....if you're being all "technical"

Time for a walk! Let's go people!

A little break...hey, I have little legs!

Water for you....and some for me...

Where's Meli? Betcha can't find me!

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