Today is the day that came to fast and we never thought would come -- the last day of school before winter break! 3 whole weeks! The kids got out at 11, so yesterday was our last day of therapy, but we had lots to do. Right now the school is being renovated a few rooms at a time. The time for us to move out of our room for a few weeks falls right around when break ends. So we had to be ready to go. Black writing on labels of boxes going into storage and red writing on the labels of the boxes going with us into our "temporary classroom". a.k.a. the library -- with a few other based behavioral health, primary school adjustment project and I think the school wellness program. This is going to be....interesting? Especially when there's only one key to the library and we have 24 boxes going with us (yeah, we're high maintenance). But, 24 out of over a 100 isn't bad...yes, we have speech/language related items and "stuff" galore!
And, now its the mad rush to pack to go to St.Louis for Christmas. We'll see what winter clothes we can dig up. Oh -- and we've found out we're staying in Hawaii till 2011 (feb.). So, we'll be sticking around here a little longer than initially anticipated. And yes, its in writing! This means another deployment in '09. We still have to move as well...that'll be fun...but I think we've found another place.
Below are photos from Nov./Dec. In no particular order:

Part of our room near the end of packing, labeling and taping

Our Pre-k's putting on their winter program. Most of them we claim as speech kids.
You know, we have 7 preschool classrooms...

After all the rain we had...this is what part of the area around the golf course
looked like. What was usually dry, turned into a lake.

Self-portrait before the ball

During Kathy's visit in November.
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