Saturday, August 2, 2008

Rainbows and Rain

This week has been an eventful one. Scott's off in the middle of California somewhere "spending tax payer dollars playing army" and kids started back to school on Wednesday. Melisa and I have been busy rearranging/organizing furniture, materials and all the paperwork that's required for testing/seeing kiddos pre-k-5th grade. And did I mention that there are on-going renovations? They started over the summer by painting the school purple...yes, purple! A color I haven't seen before on a school. Well, you can't miss it!

Despite the long week (felt like Monday was a looooong time ago), I was reminded of where we live on several occasions. Earlier this week I saw rainbows driving to and from work -- full rainbows and even one double rainbow. I always see the ocean when driving home in the afternoons down one particular road and today you could see rain pouring down over the ocean, but not on land. I think words and even pictures don't describe how beautiful it is here. Every time I walk out the door at work I can look and see the mountains. We're a bit spoiled; glad for experience and glad we're not here permanently. There are some things we won't miss by far (ahem: ants). However, we'll try to enjoy it while we're here.

As an aside we still don't know where we're going or when. We're lucky Scott didn't file for a year extension; they would've sent him up to division to deploy in October. They've been pushing people around our original date to leave (feb.) to leave early so we've put paperwork in to that effect so we might have a little more control about when we leave. Its been a sticky situation; they are "overstrengthed" across the board for Chinook pilots and there's definitely been drama and some stressful conversations. Life isn't all fun and games here and there are several different possible outcomes. If nothing else we are learning flexibility and the benefits of having less "stuff" to move ;-)

Rainbows, Rain and Orders (in writing please): bring it on!

Have a good weekend!

1 comment:

mGk said...

Huh? What? I don't get it? Does that mean you are staying in HI? Or are you being shipped out sooner? I am very confused. (That is a constant state for me this week I think!)

Miss you and hope all is well!