Wednesday, November 3, 2010


 Long time no see? Although we've been busy the past few months with thinking about our upcoming move, actually moving down the street since where we were sold, going back to work full time and as always...enjoying Hawaii while we can.  At least for a few more months before we're Georgia bound!  We've been taking pictures, but haven't put anything up till now...

 It may be Hawaii and not entirely fall like most people experience, but there's still a pumpkin patch to visit!

 They were only open the last two weekends in Oct. so there were quite a few people visiting - luckily lines moved and people were in and out pretty quickly.

White pumpkins!

The fraggles made an appearance the friday night before Halloween!

As did the hot dog...though she moped and sulked until we took it off and ran around the house like the crazy dog she really is...

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