Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Just Another Day....

I got to be a part of this conversation after lunch today:

Z: When I grow up I'm going to be a pizza maker

Me: What kind of pizza will you make?

Z: Pepperoni

Me: What about pepperoni and mushroom?

Z: Nope, I don't know how.

Me: How about cheese?

Z: Yeah, ok. I can do that.

Communication aide: Are you going to toss them up in the air?

Z: No, I don't know how. I could learn maybe

Absolutely hi-lar-ious! It may not come through as funny here...but he said it so seriously and was very definite about what he would and would not do. Everyone in the room was laughing. First graders say the most interesting things. :-)

P.S. Emily you'd be proud of one of my pre-k that brought a Dora (the explorer) princess book and insisted that she read it to me before we did anything else last week

1 comment:

emhoyt08 said...

That's my kind of girl... She's got her priorities straight...