Within the last week we acquired an italian greyhound puppy, Meli. She's 4 months old and is quite the handful! She's energetic and loves to play -- she runs up and down the stairs and has figured out how to jump up on the couch. At the same time, she loves to be around us and will fall asleep anywhere comfortable. We're still working on getting used to her and vice versa. Meli is slowly getting better about staying by herself during the day and being crated when we can't watch her when we're home (although she still cries). She won't get to be very big -- somewhere around 15 inches tall and 10-12 pounds. We thought that it'd be better to have a smaller size dog since we don't have a yard. So far she's been entertaining and frustrating as we slowly work on settling into life with a pet.
Here are some pictures from our first week of adventures in puppyhood!
Yep...a tornado in Hawaii...Kapolei to be more precise, which isn't far from us at all -- about 10 minutes. It was surprising hearing it on the news!! Check it out
Currently participating in the mobile home project (est. 2007) engineered by the United States Army. We were in Hawaii, but recently moved to Savannah, Ga. I am a speech-language pathologist but hanging out with our newest addition for the moment. However, after working in a public school on a military post I think we could give all those reality shows a run for their money on a daily basis.
Other project participants include Scott (a.k. the husband) -- a Chinook helicopter pilot, Meli; a one year old italian greyhound dog and the newest addition little miss Eliza.